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Your Mess is Mine

5 Stars

Release date: May 31st, 2016

Pre-order available.

Synopsis: I don't trust people who follow their hearts.

Hearts are peculiar things. They're necessary muscles that keep us alive by pumping blood and oxygen into our veins. Hearts are also compulsory, often making us foolish. They pull us towards others with a force that aches, burns, and satiates you all at once. Before you know it that mass of tissue is no longer yours. Maybe mine never was. In my case, that draw came from a stranger that left my heart feeling both fulfilled and consumed. I didn't expect to fight her for the last standby seat to New York City. I didn't plan on letting her get under my skin. Or the way her vulnerability tore me up inside and compelled me to care for her. She didn't plan on letting me witness her chaos.

Her anxious heart and my perfectionist mind let things get messy.

And though we didn't plan for it, our interrupting of each others' lives was exactly what we needed.

Sometimes the mess is the most beautiful part of life.

Stephanie Alba wrote such a refreshing story. I was hooked from the first paragraph. I have read a lot of romance, but this one is one of a kind. You follow the Journey of Hudson and Margot's love. They can't fight the attraction that has this pull towards one another. Stephanie made their problems real and tangible. Its a story that you can relate. If you aren't Margot than you know someone who is.

"Do you forgive me?" I sobbed into his chest. "There's no need. You're human. It's why I love you."

Sometimes Margot was stuck in her own head, and this did irritate me. But as you keep reading you will understand why. Hudson went from playboy to the perfect boyfriend, and makes you wish your own was so amazing. Hudson became an instant book husband, and I hope you all fall as hard for him as I did. Stephanie Alba wrote a truly beautiful love story.

- Meg

I received this arc for an honest review.

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